Saturday 30 March 2019




Back to using my office at home for now since I've refused to get a nanny for .
I am working on a lot of things that will be revealed in the coming weeks and months. Also, in a week or so, quite a number of Nigerian cinema movies will be available on So all of you who didn't watch those movies in cinemas, LITV has got you covered.

To everyone fighting for their dreams and pursuing greatness; remember something very important; the devil always fights its hardest when you're close to your breakthrough. It fights even harder when God has chosen you for promotion. Oh the devil will test you, try to stop you, try to distract you, try to disorientate you so you lose focus. And the devil does this by sending people or situations to derail you from where you're heading. And it's so easy for the devil to win. So easy! But you have to let the devil know that you're the child of the Most High, the child of the one who created the heavens and the earth and IT can't stop you. The devil will try to knock you down, but if you're already on your knees, how can you go down? The devil will send a powerful storm that It doesn't think you are strong enough to withstand, but you will let the devil know that you yourself are the storm. And when the devil hits you, tell IT that IT hits like a b**ch! Lol. .
Remember, no one can bring you down without your permission so it's all in the way you ARE. Just let the devil know it's not enough to take you down. You're a survivor, a warrior, a winner and there's nothing the devil or anyone else can do about it.

Also, remember that the level of your devil is a reflection of the level of your destiny, so the higher the attack, the greater the destiny and the more the devil tries, the more you win. Just keep ya head up and continue to do you and when the devil realizes it's wasting it's time, it will flee from you. Have an amazing weekend, everyone! 😘

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